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World Ijtema 2024: A Global Gathering of Faith and Unity

World Ijtema 2024: A Global Gathering of Faith and Unity

The World Ijtema 2024 is set to be one of the largest and most anticipated Islamic events of the year. Held annually in India, the Ijtema attracts millions of Muslims from across the globe to gather for prayer, reflection, and discussions on key social and religious issues. Here's everything you need to know about this year's event.

What is the World Ijtema?

The World Ijtema is a major Islamic congregation that brings together Muslims from all corners of the world. Organized by the Tablighi Jamaat, an Islamic missionary group, the Ijtema focuses on promoting unity, spirituality, and social reform among Muslims. The event typically includes religious lectures, discussions on Islam, and collective prayers for peace and prosperity.

Held annually, the World Ijtema has grown in significance, with participants traveling from countries like Pakistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, and various parts of Africa, making it a global event of spiritual and social importance.

When and Where is the World Ijtema 2024?

The World Ijtema 2024 will be held in New Delhi, India, from January 12 to January 14, 2024. The Ijtema Ground in Azadpur, North Delhi, will be the main venue for the event, with large congregations expected to gather for prayers, sermons, and discussions.

In addition to New Delhi, smaller gatherings will take place in several Indian cities such as Mumbai, Kolkata, and Hyderabad, where people will connect virtually to the main event.

Major Highlights of World Ijtema 2024

  1. Global Participation:
    The World Ijtema 2024 is expected to draw over 5 million attendees, making it one of the largest Islamic gatherings in the world. It’s a celebration of unity, where Muslims of all ages, cultures, and backgrounds come together to renew their faith.

  2. Religious Lectures and Sermons:
    Scholars and spiritual leaders from across the globe will speak on various aspects of Islam, focusing on themes such as faith, social harmony, peace, and the importance of spirituality in daily life. The event is an opportunity for individuals to connect deeply with their faith and understand the role of Islam in fostering peace and unity.

  3. Dua (Prayers) for Peace:
    One of the central aspects of the Ijtema is the collective prayer for peace in the world. Muslims gather in large numbers to pray for the well-being of their families, communities, and the global Muslim Ummah. The event is also a time for interfaith dialogue and strengthening social cohesion.

  4. Outreach and Charity Work:
    The World Ijtema is not just a religious event; it also promotes charity and community service. Many volunteers contribute to serving the underprivileged by distributing food, water, and essentials during the event. The spirit of selflessness and brotherhood is deeply embedded in the Ijtema’s message.

Key Themes of Ijtema 2024

The theme for the World Ijtema 2024 will focus on "Unity in Diversity". The event will highlight how diverse cultures, languages, and traditions can come together under the common banner of Islam, emphasizing the importance of solidarity, tolerance, and peace within the Muslim community and the world at large.

Some of the key topics that will be discussed during the Ijtema include:

  • Islamic Social Reform
    How Muslims can contribute to societal development and create a positive impact in their communities.

  • Spiritual Development and Education
    Emphasizing the importance of seeking knowledge and deepening one's connection with Allah.

  • Global Peace and Harmony
    Discussing the role of Islam in fostering peace and resolving conflicts in the modern world.

Travel and Accommodation Information

As millions of people descend upon Delhi for the World Ijtema, authorities are preparing for the influx of attendees. Transport arrangements will include extra train services, buses, and taxis to cater to the crowd. Many hotels and guesthouses in North Delhi and nearby areas are expected to be fully booked, so it's advised to make early reservations.

For international travelers, India’s visa policies and travel guidelines will need to be checked in advance. With increasing numbers of people expected from countries across Asia, Africa, and the Middle East, logistics teams will work tirelessly to ensure smooth operations and security for all attendees.

Why Attend the World Ijtema?

The World Ijtema is a rare opportunity for Muslims to meet and exchange ideas with fellow believers from all over the world. The event provides a chance to reconnect with the core principles of Islamic teachings, engage in deep reflection, and take part in community service. For many, attending the Ijtema is a spiritually enriching experience that strengthens their connection with Allah and brings them closer to the global Muslim community.


The World Ijtema 2024 in New Delhi promises to be an extraordinary event, with millions of Muslims gathering for a profound experience of faith, unity, and spirituality. Whether you're attending in person or participating virtually from your home, the Ijtema will be a powerful reminder of the importance of community, brotherhood, and faith in today's world.

Don’t miss out on this monumental occasion! Be a part of the Ijtema 2024 and make a positive impact on your life and the world around you.

Tags: #WorldIjtema #Ijtema2024 #IslamicEvents #UnityInDiversity #IslamicGathering #TablighiJamaat #IslamicFaith #Spirituality #PeaceAndHarmony #ReligiousGathering #MuslimCommunity

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