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Perfex CRM v1.0.4 Free - Flat Theme for Admin (Backend) Interface Addon

Perfex free download

Perfex CRM v1.0.4 is a Flat Theme Addon for the Admin (Backend) Interface of Perfex CRM. It enhances the backend interface experience by adding a clean, modern flat design aesthetic, making the CRM more visually appealing and user-friendly.

Key Features:

  1. Flat UI Design:
    Provides a sleek and clean flat user interface for the backend.

  2. Improved Admin Experience:
    Enhances usability with better navigation and visuals.

  3. Easy to Install:
    Simple installation steps for Perfex CRM users.

  4. Fully Responsive:
    Optimized for all devices, ensuring usability across screens.

  5. Free Download:
    Available for download without any licensing restrictions.

If you are looking to give your Perfex CRM Admin Dashboard a modern look with a flat UI, Perfex CRM v1.0.4 Flat Theme is the perfect solution. It's easy to install and improves the overall backend experience for admins.

Perfex CRM, Flat Theme Addon, Admin Backend, CodeIgniter Theme, Free Download, Admin Panel UI

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