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Facebook, Instagram, and Messenger Experience Global Outage: What’s Happening?

Millions are facing issues with Facebook, Instagram, and Messenger today due to a global outage. Find out what’s happening and when it will be fixed.
Facebook, Instagram, and Messenger Are Down: What You Need to Know

In a massive global outage today, Facebook, Instagram, and Messenger have gone offline for millions of users. Reports began flooding in around 10:00 AM Eastern Time (3:00 PM GMT), with users unable to log in, refresh feeds, or access messaging features.

What’s Happening?

According to Downdetector, over 500,000 users worldwide reported problems accessing these platforms. The outage affected login systems, app functionality, and content loading.

Meta, the parent company of these platforms, issued a statement:

"We are aware people are having trouble accessing our services. Our teams are actively working to resolve the issue."

The issue appears to be global, with users from North America, Europe, Asia, and other regions affected. 

How to Stay Updated

While Meta engineers are working on a fix, users are advised to monitor platforms like Downdetector and Meta’s official Status Page for updates.

This outage mirrors a similar event in 2021 when Facebook’s services, including WhatsApp, were down for hours due to technical issues.

Impact on Users

  • Social media disruption: Facebook and Instagram show "failure to load" errors.
  • Messaging delays: Messenger users report undelivered messages.
  • Threads issues: Meta’s new app Threads is also partially affected.
  • Tags: Facebook Down, Instagram Outage, Facebook Down?, Messenger Issues, Global Outage December 2024, Social Media Not Working, Facebook not working, Facebook Down, is facebook down right now, instagram and facebook down,

Stay Tuned

We will keep this post updated as Meta releases more details. For now, check back for the latest news about this global disruption.

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